Mechanism of buckling of a spherical droplet containing a colloidal solution |
Morphing of a suspended drying droplet from a sphere-like shape (upper left) to a toroidal shape (lower right) |
Geometry and terminology used in the model of the drying droplet |
Morphology ("buckling") of drying colloidal droplet depends on the temperature |
Invagination during the collapse of an inhomogeneous spheroidal shell |
Invagination during the collapse of an inhomogeneous spheroidal shell |
Invaginated tiny particles such as displayed schematically on the previous slide |
Schematic of fabrication of multilayer spherical microcapsules |
Buckled PMCs as a function of external concentration of polystyrenesulfonate (PSS) |
Top: % buckled capsules versus external concentration of PSS; Bottom: buckling pressure v. normalized wall thickness d=t/R squared |
A microsphere "glued" to a flat cantelever that can then be used (next slide) to compress the sphere against a rigid substrate |
Schematic of a way in which a microcapsule can be compressed between the AFM cantilever and a rigid flat surface |
Load-deformation curve for a spherical microcapsule compressed between the AFM cantilever and a rigid flat substrate |
Side and bottom views of an adhering spherical shells for scaled elastic constants (Cs/ε,Cb/ε) equal to (a) (1000,1000), (b) (150, |
(B) Axisymmetrically buckled monodisperse silicon oil droplets |