Wrinkling of spherical membrane with inward-directed point load |
Radial wrinkles in a flat sheet with uniform outward force/circ.length on the rim and inward uniform radial force/length along the inner boundary |
Wrinkling of a very thin, internally pressurized shell with a concentrated inward-directed load |
Non-axisymmetric deformations of a soft spherical shell with inward and outward concentrated load at its apex |
Floating membrane deformed and wrinkled by concentrated downward load |
Droplet of water on a floating thin film gives rise to radial wrinkles |
Cell membrane wrapping around a spherical thin elastic shell |
Collapse of a blood vessel |
Edge buckling of thin sheets |
Why leaves and petals are not flat at their edges |
Crushning a porous nanospheres between platens |
Failure of weak and strong spherical microcapsules subjected to weak and strong external acoustic pressure |
Shapes of icosahedral shells with γ=100 and γ=1,200. Undeformed shells (left) and shells that are deformed to 35% of their radius (right) are shown. |
Microcapsule drying and buckling, then being restored upon re-hydration |
Pictures showing the different steps of the drying for 170 nm colloids, scale bar represents 1mm. |