Elements of a foldable (deployable) cellular origami-type structure |
Various polygonal origami-type foldable structures |
Behavior under folding of a particular origami-type structure as functions of amount of foldng |
Graphene sheet embedded in polymer matrix |
Wrinkling of a bilayer from annealing |
Various buckling modes of a thin ring attached to a compliant substrate under internal vacuum |
Piezoelectric layers embedded in a shell wall |
Diagonal Buckling Restrained Braces (BRB) efficiently prevent collapse of multi-storey buildings during severe earthquakes |
The purpose of installing Buckling Restrained Braces (BRB) |
Local elasto-plastic buckling at a joint may initiate progressive collapse of a multi-storey building |
Vierendeel mechanism in the deformation of a beam subjected to moments and shear forces. The beam has a large opening in its web. |
Thin-walled beam with local bending moment applied near the web opening |
Locally laterally compressed channel end with web hole: Web crippling |
Various distributions of CNTs (Carbon Nano Tubes) as reinforcement across the thickness of a shell wall |
Grid-stiffened panel with curved stiffeners |