Geometrically nonlinear configurations of thin elastic rods (this and the next slide) |
Helical buckling of an axially compressed beam confined in an elliptical cylinder |
Geometrically nonlinear configurations of thin elastic rods (this and the previous slide) |
Dynamic buckling: Elastic strip is stretched, then released |
Buckled patterns created from electrified jets of polyethylene oxide collected on glass slides |
November 10, 2014: Buckled jet stream brings warm air and cold air |
September 11, 2012: Jet stream buckles over Chicago, giving rise to a pocket of unusually cold, unstable air aloft. |
Marine microbe changing swimming direction via a high-speed buckling of flagellum base (green) |
Thermal railroad track buckling (from Wikipedia) |
Buckled railroad track (from differential thermal expansion of the track versus the bed |
Buckling of a road due to earthquake displacements in California |
Tacoma Narrows bridge failure due to flutter |
Bistable voltage-actuated switch |