Harmonic limit cycle and nonharmonic chaotic flutter of a plate with uniform thermal compression |
Laminated composite plate flutter: (Left side) harmonic response; (Right side) Chaotic response |
Chaotic motion of composite plate, thermally pre-compressed to six times its buckling load. |
Hysteretic behavior from test and analysis of the "C1" column (shown in the next image) |
Local buckling of axially compressed columns of the "C1" type |
Hysteretic behavior from test and analysis for the "B1" column shown below (hollow square internally stringer-stiffened stub). |
Bridge pier subject to collision by a ship |
Hose pipe instability from water discharging tip |
Spherical shell with uniform external pressure applied as a step load |
Pressure-Volume curves for a perfect and imperfect spherical shell subjected to an externally applied uniform pressure applied in a step |
Dynamic response of a spherical shell subjected to an externally applied uniform pressure applied in a step |
Optimized thickness variation that simulates stiffeners in a flat plate |
Optimized thickness variation in a cylindrical roof |
The arch with a concentrated destabilizing load P and a load-deflection schematic of possible nonlinear static behavior in analogous problems |
Nonlinear dynamic behavior of the shallow arch under certain conditions |