Various shear deformation models |
Error in central deflection of rectangular (b = 3a) composite 0/90/0 plate for changing length/thickness ratio a/h |
(a) Various models for in-plane displacements through the thickness of a multi-layered shell wall and (b) improved transverse shear stress distribution |
Layerwise model of a shell wall |
Shell wall modeling: Continuum-based shell elements; Degenerated solid approach |
Various approximations in which the 3-dimensional shell wall is reduced to a surface |
Relative amounts of bending versus membrane strain energy as functions of radius-to-thickness of a clamped externally pressureized hemispherical shell |
The Southwell plot: A non-destructive way of determining the buckling load Pcr |
Residual stress distributions in edge-welded plates |
Relationships between stress and strain in a loaded plate containing residual stresses |
Typical aircraft wing internal structure |
Positive, negative and zero Gaussian curvature of a shell |
Deformation from corotated to deformed configuration of a finite element |
Performance of thin shell 16-node finite element |
TRIC element model for large deflection of a cylindrical panel with inward-directed concentrated load |