Fig 21 Well behaved and Fig 22 Chaortic behaviors depending on the damping ratio |
Twisted aminated composite stiffened plate |
A cracked functionally graded composite beam |
Formation of doubly-curved gridshells |
Experimental set-up for nonlinear dynamics of a buckled beam |
Details of the experimental set-up for studying nonlinear dynamics of a post-buckled beam |
Velocity-Displacement plots from nonlinear dynamics of a slender post-buckled beam |
Beam model for form-finding of bending-active gridshells |
Deformed unit normal vector generated from a grid composed of beams. |
Long span gridshell; (a) equilibrium shape, (b) xy-plane, (c) xz-plane |
Very large deflections of a thin strip |
Large displacement and large bending of a flexible free-free beam |
Large displacement and deformation of a free-free thin strip under two concentrated moments |
Large displacement and deformation of an eighth of a spherical shell under concentrated loads P |
Large displacement and deformations of a wavy stiffened cylindrical panel under concentrated loads P |