Typical discretizations and thin-walled structures: (left side=parametric images; right side=geometric images |
Inflatable hanger and model of it |
Three vibration modes of the inflatable hanger: Top row=reference FEM solution; bottom row = NURBS multipatch solution |
Large deformation of an automobile tire caused by rolling contact with the pavement |
Solar sail held in tension by slender struts that may buckle and defrom well into the postbuckling regime |
Axially compressed thin-walled tubes with "windows" (cut-outs) |
Large deformation of axially compressed tubes with axial shortening at various angles from horizontal |
Buckling of a steel shear wall from test and finite element model |
Crushing of "AuxHex" thin-walled cellular structure |
Plate under shear loading: The appropriately placed holes raise the buckling load |
A snapshot of a self-oscillating thin compliant tube conveying flowing fluid |
Cantilever pipe conveying fluid |
Bifurcation diagram showing the dependence of pipe displacement on flow velocity |
Buckling of two stiffened panels under shear loading |
Snap-back of a metamaterial under tension in the vertical direction |