Fig. 9 Load versus vertical deflection at crown: in-plane buckling of clamped arches (from the same report as the previous 4 slides) |
Fig. 10 Load versus vertical deflection at crown: out-of-plane buckling of clamped arches (zero extension of the reference surface) (from the same report as the previous 5 slides) |
Large deformation of a frame with a dowward vertical concentrated load at its top corner |
Nonlinear limit point versus nonlinear bifurcation point on the nonlinear fundamental equilibrium path |
Various kinds of limit points on the nonlinear fundamental equilibrium curve |
Nonlinear equilibrium of a shallow arch under uniform external pressure |
Nonlinear equilibrium paths of a deep arch under concentrated downward load P |
Shallow hinged cylindrical panel under external concentrated load P |
Nonlinear equilibrium of "Lee's frame" |
Symmetrical large displacement of a deep arch under a concentrated downward load P |
Large deflection of a hinged shallow arch under an inclined concentrated downward load P |
Bending-torsional large deflection of a cantilevered beam with a channel cross section and a concentrated downward load P at its tip |
Nonlinear load-displacement curves of a shallow hinged cylindrical panel with a downard concetrated load P and with three different locations of the simple supports: outer surface, middle surface and inner surface |
Nonlinear response of axially functionally graded Timoshenko beams on elastic foundation under harmonic excitation |
"Dynamics of snapping beams and jumping poppers", by D.P. Holmes, et al, 2014 |