Mesh-free method: Pinched cylindrical shell with end diaphragms |
Mesh-free method: Bursting of internally pressurized cylindrical shel with a crack |
Buckling of Steel Shells (European Design Recommendations, Eurocode 3, Part 1-6, 5th Edition, revised) |
Cylindrical silo buckling under granular discharge |
Dynamic responses for several different pressures at a point (Node 8938) on a roofed cylindrical tank subjected to a 3-second constant wind gust |
Nonlinear dynamic analysis: deflection pattern for normalized pressure, lambda = 2.515, at time t=2.55 sec. |
Different post-buckling behavior of columns, plates and shells. The dashed curves are for imperfect specimens. |
Pre-buckling, Primary bifurcation buckling, and 4 post-buckling states of a uniformly axially compressed cylindrical shell. The results are from ABAQUS. |
Far post-buckled states of a uniformly axially compressed cylindrical shell. |
Axially compressed cylindrical shell: Comparison of post-buckling behavior from test (Esslinger) and theory (ABAQUS) |
(a) Typical buckling mode of a perfect axially compressed isotropic cylindrical shell; (b) Cylinder with a single localized inward dimple |
Measured imperfection shape in the laminated CFRP Specimen Z33. (Stacking sequence is shown two slides hence.) |
Enlarged view of the imperfection shape in the laminated CFRP Specimen Z33 (from same source as the previous two slides) |
Stacking sequence of the laminated CFRP Specimen Z33 (from the same source as the previous 3 slides) |
Load-end-shortening behavior and deformation patterns for the perfect Specimen Z33 |